Privacy Policy

1. Controller data
Digital Asset Management LLC Banja Luka (“Mediator”), Kralja Alfonsa XIII no. 26, 78000 Banja Luka, ID number: 11168850, JIB: 4404319930009, collects and processes data on registered users of the website in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection ("Official Gazette of BiH", No. 49/06, 76/11 and 89/11), According to the Law on the Securities Market ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 92/06, 34/09, 8/12 - US decision, 30/12, 59/13, 86/13 - US decision, 108/13, 4 /17, 63/21, 11/22 and 63/22) and the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorist Activities (“Official Gazette of BiH”, No. 13/24). Phone number: +387 51 229 406, e-mail:


2. What types of personal data we collect and use
As part of its activities, the intermediary collects and processes personal data for legal entities and individuals. For legal entities, it processes: name, seat and registration number of the legal entity, name and surname, address of residence, date and place of birth, JMBG of the person authorized to represent the legal entity. For natural persons it processes: name and surname, address of residence, date and place of birth, citizenship, JMBG (Unique Master Citizen Number), number of identification document, name of the body that issued the identification document, telephone number, e-mail address, transaction account number and bank name, as well as other information relating to the Client that may be relevant to the business relationship to be established.

3. Purpose of personal data processing
The intermediary processes the collected personal data of its clients exclusively for the purpose of mediation during the purchase and sale of crypto assets, marketing and other information of registered users.


4. Giving consent for the processing of personal data
The data subject accesses the registration at his own request in order to fulfill the obligations regarding mediation in the purchase and sale of digital property (Article 6, paragraph 1, item b) of the Law on Personal Data Protection).
The use of the website and the registration of users through the website is a voluntary consent to the processing of personal data of the registered user.
The User expressly agrees and authorizes the Intermediary to collect, store, update, verify and process his personal data, personal data of his authorized persons and other related persons (based on their consent), as well as all other information necessary for the purpose of fulfilling business relationships.
Data on data carriers is a business secret of the Intermediary, and information on clients is confidential information. Employees of Digital Asset Management d.o.o. Banja Luka accesses personal data in accordance with their authorizations and assigned data access rights. The intermediary may disclose personal data to third parties if such an obligation to transfer and / or disclose data is imposed by a positive legal regulation (eg criminal legislation, regulations on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, regulatory bodies, etc.).


5. Organizational and technical measures for personal data protection
All data on registered users are strictly kept with the application of appropriate organizational and technical measures and are available only to persons who need this data to perform the work. All employees of Digital Asset Management d.o.o. Banja Luka and business partners are responsible for the protection of personal data in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection and the Statement on the Protection of Confidential Information signed by each employee.

6. Time of keeping personal data
Personal data is kept only for as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected or processed. After fulfilling the purpose of their processing, and if there is no other legal basis or if it is necessary for the realization and execution of legal requests, personal data will be deleted, destroyed, blocked or made anonymous.

7. Anonymous data
Digital Asset Management d.o.o. Banja Luka also collects and processes non-personal data (type of your internet browser, name of your internet provider, web pages you have visited, etc.) in order to provide the highest level of service. For these purposes, various technologies are used, such as e.g. cookies, Google Analytics, etc., which enable personalization of provided services or processing of anonymized data.

8. Rights of persons whose data are processed
User has the right to refuse to give consent for the processing of personal data, which will result in the impossibility of establishing a business relationship with the Intermediary, and in the event that it is already established, the business relationship may be terminated. The applicant has the right to access personal data and the right to request the correction of personal data relating to him.

9. Export of personal data from BiH
Digital Asset Management LLC Banja Luka uses its servers to store personal data located in Bosnia and Herzegovina and does not intend to export them outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Banja Luka, January 26, 2023 yr., Version 1.2

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  • Phone:+387 51 229 406
  • Address:Kralja Alfonsa XIII 26,
    78000 Banja Luka,
    Bosna i Hercegovina.

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